As artists we come into a system: constructively annoying, friendly disturbing and intentionally irritating. We pose the question of a company’s or organization’s capacity for development. At what time are the involved people ready to participate creatively? And when are they ready to renegotiate the balance between self-interest and the common good?

We shortly introduce some projects, we created in various organizations:

In Wechsel/Wirkung we initiated and moderated with Dr. Christian Grüny the “swap of jobs for three weeks” of the president of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind with the director of Wuppertal Opera, Berthold Schneider.

The ARTtoolbox is a leadership tool that leads leaders out of the familiar and into the space of not-knowing.

The project T.A.N.Z. GmbH (Dancing Actions for Sustainable Cooperation) took place in a company for IT technology and adressed the habits of talking and walking of the people working in an open office.

The Atelier within the company opens up a space where economic and artistic ways of working are visible and perceptible next to each other. In this way we can discover and make available impulses for development.

For two years we had a studio space in the administrative building of the StädteRegion Aachen. With the authority for unconditional creation we set artistic impulses and introduced interventions in the offices and corridors.