We are commissioned by:

We collaborate with:

We develop innovative performance formats in the context of school with theater monteure. Together with Age of Artists, we work at the interface of art and business. With Prof. Dr. Harald Heinrichs we research in the field of artistic-scientific and political consulting. We develope participatory art projects and sample languages in cooperation with Kathleen Battke. Antje Hinz with her platform MassivKreativ is an inspiring media partner. Together with the Wort-&-Klang Küche we also worked together in Bonn. In cooperation with i can be your translator and Netzwerk Freier Theater we researched the topic of collective leadership. Brigitta Villaronga-Walker has been an inspiring partner and client for many years. We realize our projects in Saxony together with Landgestalten e.V. We are in continuous and intensive exchange with the Israeli artist Zeev Engelmayer. BBK Bonn co-organized the exchange project BOX in cooperation with the Portable Collective. The work of the photographer Harald Neumann is special and great. And Julja Schneider is a fellow artist with whom we have been cocreating for a long time and keep enjoying it so much. With Friederike Tröscher new formats and many improvisations are created. The dramaturge Dr. Uta Atzpodien is a partner in the Wuppertal projects, as is Dr. Christian Grüny. We appreciate and enjoy our encounters with Annette Birkholz and Monika Söller very much. We find the graphic work with and by Ulrike Greve wonderful and inspiring. We co-foundet the cooperative housing project Amaryllis eG. We are part of the network real-world laboratories for sustainability.

We are funded by: