The atelier (or studio) within the company opens up a space in which economic and artistic ways of working can be seen and felt side by side. It allows to discover and provide impulses for further and wanted development within a economical system.

In 2010, Hoernemann&Walbrodt received the “economy meets art – award” by the Gouvernement of the Region Aachen for this concept of the `Atelier within the company´ and the follow up project `T.A.N.Z. GmbH´ (Dancing Actions for Sustainable Cooperation). Previously, they had worked on and off in the office of Cyberdyne IT GmbH (Cologne) over a period of two years. The young start-up had rented larger rooms due to foreseeable increases in orders, and so there was still unused space. It was in this free space that Walbrodt first set up his studio and began to work. Each time he came into the studio, he decided either to work on what he had set out to do, or to openly perceive what was “in the room” and work with it. In this way, contact areas with the employees were created without a concrete assignment.

Hoernemann&Walbrodt set further impulses with the performative process of ` T.A.N.Z. GmbH´, by reinterpreting space, furniture and communication and relating with the atmosphere and people through movement and dance.

Evaluation of the project by Dr. Neckel Consulting

The cultural journalist Antje Hinz of MassivKreativ introduces the atelier within the company in conversation with the managing director Ralph Friedrichs of Cyberbyne and Walbrodt.