We understand Artistic Facilitation as the work of accompanying a communicative process, an event or a project and making it visible through artistic means. This is not about a one-to-one recognisable documentation of the event, but rather a reflective transformation of the experience. The products we create serve as a memory store, a source of reflection and a source of inspiration. Artistic facilitation means not only visualisation with creative techniques, but also perceiving, thinking and acting with an attitude that searches for the unique, the irrational and the responsible. From the artistic atmosphere, the studio, we create works and occasions for a dialogue that goes beyond the usual and we bring people into contact with possibilities beyond the “box”.

  • Creation of a 2x3m image created from and with the values of a team working worldwide.
  • A multitude of small drawings on a citizen participation process, to take away.
  • Artistic solution impulses for individual problems, created through a dialogue.