In 2019, we travelled for the first time to the Saxon municipality by bus, because we have been taking part of the project “Land und Kultur gestalten“. This project was initiated by the association Landgestalten e.V. in Dresden- Nossen, which we co-founded at that time. We immediately noticed the unique and very charming bus shelters, which are most of the time completely unused and partly dilapidated. With the help of funding from the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste in 2020 and with the 10,000€ prize from the Altzella monastery district in 2022, the idea of the InneHaltestellen was finally implemented as a pilot project in Raußlitz and the surrounding area on 26 June 2022. It combines artistic interventions in public spaces with exhibitions and the creative engagement of village communities.

For the next two years, we are part of the MiteinanderReden program of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) with the art project miteinANDERS. miteinANDERS will be realized as a performative installation, as artistic interventions and with other communicative formats. We want to perpetuate the idea of the InneHaltestelle (transforming unused public space into places of co-creation and communication) by converting bus shelters in the Nossen region into a permanente place for meeting, talking and for artistic presence. In order to initiate new, community-promoting activities in the region and make kreative potential visible.

InneHaltestelle: a place where one can pause and look inside // miteinANDERS: being unique, being part of a Community